Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Plight of Pet Ownership

It appears to be increasingly difficult to front up with enough cash to pay for our pets these days.

This may be pretty obvious to most people, and wording like "current economic situation", "recession", "affordability" and "cost of living" certainly isn't helping. However, it is both sad but also encouraging to see ads such as this and this on TradeMe.

Let me elaborate on what I mean by that.

The sad thing about these ads is the lack of affordability for the owner for their pet's treatment, but let's face it, the cost of veterinary treatment is not cheap. And of course recessions and increased living costs have made an impact too.

The encouraging thing about these ads is the fact that these owners are prepared to do whatever it takes to get their loved pets the treatment that they need. Even more encouraging is the comments from people at the end of the auctions who are so selflessly willing to help.

I have read a number of stories from people in a crisis situation, whether it be financial or due to a change in circumstance, where the threat of their pet or pets not being with them anymore fills them with despair. As a result, the messages of support, help, encouragement and even financial contributions in some cases have proven that most people are inherently kind-hearted and willing to share what they have with someone in a less fortunate position.

This is a lesson we should all remember - both when it comes to our pets and as we live life in general. I firmly believe that what goes around comes around, and that if you are willing and able to help, no matter how small you feel you can, it makes a significant difference to the person you are helping.

I also encourage you to think about opening a separate bank account specifically for your pets, or look into taking out pet insurance. It could mean the difference between a second chance at life or no chance at all.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Dominion Post, 12 Aug 2009. Page 17

Heidy Kikillus uses TradeMe to help research turtle populations in New Zealand

Great story and photo - well done Heidy!

The Dominion Post
12 Aug 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

A timely reminder that pet First Aid is vital

August is Pet First Aid month at The Pet Hub, with the launch of our very own Pet First Aid Kits and Pocket First Aid Guides at Pet Expo on the 1st and 2nd of August. We are also going to be expanding on the information contained within our Cat and Dog Emergencies sections and hope to bring you much more on First Aid for smaller pets such as rabbits, rats, mice, guinea pigs, and our turtle and reptile friends.

In the meantime, the following video, recently posted on the LA Times website, shows an everyday situation (childrens' birthday party) during which a Chihuahua needed CPR. Yet another reason why pet First Aid training is so important:

If you own or care for a pet, you should know what to do in a pet emergency situation. If you are interested in learning more, or taking part in a Pet First Aid course, contact us and let us know.